Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Google Apps for Educational and the ISTE NETS-T

Standard 1.
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

The Two Google Chrome Apps I would use is:
Glogster EDU and Pow Toon Edu

I feel like the apps listed above will help the students be able to support creativity and have students think about the "Real World" issues. They will be able to collaborate with other students and be able to plan with them in their creative process engaging learning with students.

Standard 2.
Design and Develop Digital Age Learning 
Experiences and Assessments

The Two Google Chrome Apps I would use is:
Dillster and Exam Professor

I feel like the apps listed above will help the students to be able to adapt to the learning experiences that have them learn about digital tools and promote their learning. It will also have technology enriched learning environments that will have the students setting their own goals and managing their learnin.g

Standard 3:
Model Digital Age Work and Learning

The Two Google Chrome Apps I would use is:
Type Fu and Doremi Free

I feel like the apps listed above will help the students to be able to transfer their current knowledge to the new technologies introduced in class. They will be able to collaborate with students and the teacher. They will be able to communicate relevant information and ideas. They can use the digital tools to analyse their work.

Standard 4.
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

The Two Google Chrome Apps I would use is:
Grid Club Learning and Learn Spanish: Que Onda Spanish.

I feel like the apps listed above will help the students to be able to use the di

Standard 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

The Two Google Chrome Apps I would use is:
My Study Life and mySchoolNotebook.com

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